Various educational institutions organize campus recruitment campaigns to offer employment opportunities to students pursuing specific academic degrees. Campus Placements allow students to be placed as they complete their academic objectives and assure them of a safe and secure future.

Recruiting talented candidates is the main objective of the placement drives. The majority of companies adopt different criteria for selection.

In On-Campus placement drives, companies visit colleges to select final-year students and the selection process is as follows:

The particular company offers pre-placement talks to the students. It is typically in the form of a presentation. The presentation covers the company’s results, vision, mission, corporate profile, and candidate selection procedure. In addition, it covers the candidate’s advancement within the organization and, if chosen, additional benefits. During the presentation, candidates are free to ask any questions.

  • Company Requirements for Shortlisting Candidates

To identify talented candidates, the company decided on minimum requirement criteria like minimum marks, no live backlogs, certifications, and specific field knowledge.

For shortlisting the candidates for further evaluation, the company conducts aptitude tests which include quantitative aptitude, English, Reasoning, and sometimes technical questions.

  • Additional Technical Test

Usually, a few IT companies test software for coding or programming, while mechanical industries test design and analysis software knowledge.

Some companies conduct group discussion rounds in addition to interviews. This round’s primary goal is to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge, leadership potential, persuasiveness, manners, listening comprehension, and communication skills.

  • Technical Interview:

Candidates who perform well in previous stages proceed to technical interviews. This round will check the technical skills of the selected candidate. It can be either an individual round or a combined with the HR interview.

  • HR Interview:

HR interviews evaluate their attitude, cultural fit, and interpersonal skills.

  • Final Placement Discussion:

After the selection of the candidate, the offer letter will be given. The company executive tells about the guidelines related to the joining process and about the company’s policies.


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